March 2, 2012

Paging Doctor Winslow

So, I know my last post was a downer so I thought I would share a little fun with all of you. This past couple of weeks we have had sickness in our family. Mostly just little colds, nothing too bad. However, since Hyrum was born Mackenzie has been fascinated with all thing medical and health related. So, in our infinite wisdom as parents we got her a medical kit for Christmas. She has been wonderful with it. Checking everyone's heart rate, breathing, that our eyes are healthy and our reflexes still work. The only thing missing from the kit was a thermometer. We did not think anything of it since most her patients were of the stuffed variety. That is until last week. She decided it was time to started checking more on the living members of the family both two-legged and four-legged. So last Thursday she decided to take Charlie's temperature. Of course that meant using our nice thermometer, which she can now obtain from the linen closet with no problem. She also fingered out how to open and shut doors all on her own. Well we had no idea what was going on until Eric went to feed Charlie and take him out, and he found the broken thermometer. You see in trying to give Charlie dignity, Mackenzie out it into his mouth, where he began to chew on and took the metal tip off. Eric found the tip luckily. However when he showed me the thermometer all I saw were the wires billowing out of the top of the thermometer like a bouquet of flowers. Well with that I took it in stride and told Eric we would just have to get another one. Of course, then Mackenzie got an ear infection on Tuesday and I was unable to take her temperature. All I could tell the daughter was that her entire body to was hot to the touch. When he asked why I couldn't take her temperature I had to tell him the truth. And he gave Mackenzie props for her budding medical talents. All I can say is it is never a dull moment with a 2 year old in the house. She sure does keep us guessing and gives us smile. It is just also heartbreaking when she is ill. Thankfully though she is on the mend and being her normal curious self again. I am actually looking forward to going through this stage again with Hyrum. While it is challenging it is also rewarding. Parenthood is truly an amazing blessing worth waiting for. For I know I cherish it so much more. I hope you are all well and got a little chuckle with our budding medical drama and comedy here in the Winslow house.

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