March 22, 2012

Civic Duty

So, this week has been crazy. Monday, I went back to class and had a presentation in the evening about literacy and biliteracy. I also took Hyrum for his four month appointment. He only gained a few ounces but is 25 and half inches long! Tuesday I had a huge project due and Hyrum came to class with me, because Eric was way too tired to watch both children. After that I thought I would have a quiet end to my week. However, I was also on call for jury duty and I got called yesterday. There were close to sixty others so I thought there was a slight chance I would be selected and of course I was. I also was elected foreperson, so I had the full experience. I am grateful for the experience but it was one of the longest days of my life. It would have been more fun if I did not have a family that depends on me. I missed my children and my husband and was extremely tired when I finally got home yesterday. I am now trying desperately to catch up on laundry and dishes and get the house in order again. I know it is my duty to serve and I am grateful I was able to gain a greater understanding of the legal system but I am also grateful I don't have to worry about again for two years. I do feel that justice was served and I am grateful for my hand it. Well I am off to bed to catch up on all the sleep I have missed, especially since Eric is home. Oh, one more piece of good news, it looks like Eric will soon have a full time job. He will be switching from printing Book of Mormons to helping print the Ensign and Liahona. I am so excited for him!

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