March 27, 2009

Not going down without a fight.

So major update. We have been trying to get the 10,000 dollars back we put down on the house last week. Legally we should be able to get it but Silver Ridge is avoiding us. So what are we doing? We are getting a lawyer and getting ready to fight. I am not a fighter by nature but when I see injustice of any kind it get my dander up as my mom says. So after we went to the title company and they told us what paperwork they needed we tried to give Silver Ridge the benefit of the doubt but after not getting any start answering or even any answers at all we decided it was time for the gloves to come off. We have all the paper work and have an appoint with a lawyer on Monday. I will tell you all I do not really like lawyers except for the honest ones, my brother Jonah wants to be one of those. But i know that there is a time and a place to fight and it is right now. I will not let all of the hard work that Eric has put into this be for nought just because some greedy builder is unwilling to admit when they are wrong and give us back our money. So keep us in your prayers that we will be able to stand strong in the face of this adversity.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that really bites. Have you threatened them with legal action yet? Sometimes just sending a letter or leaving a message that you are meeting with a lawyer regarding this issue they will comply. I wish you good luck in this, that is a lot of money!
