April 9, 2009

Reasons to leave New Mexico

So, since Eric lost his job the Lord seems to be giving us more and more reason to leave New Mexico. The first came with the wonderful dust storms of last week and this week. This was compounded by the fact that the New Mexico Public Health officials have done nothing to help people avoid upper respiratory problems created by the dust and the micro-organisms in the dust. The next big one came tonight for me. I have been watching the news just to try and be an informed citizen, but then tonight I heard how a mother got her six year-old son taken to court and order to traffic school because he kept taking his seat belt off in the car. 
Now I don't know about all of you but for this soon to be mother this seems a little extreme and irresponsible on the mother part. I mean little kids misbehave but if the parents have a system in place the child will learn to live by it. For example in my home my mother never started the car before we were all buckled up properly. Then if any of us unbuckled while she was driving she would pull over and wait for us to re buckle. Lets just say if we did not do so quickly siblings got upset. Mostly because they were late for practices or other fun activities. This system worked even with the most stubborn of us. 
I don't care where live as long as the public health and judicial systems are responsible and our family can grow up in a productive environment. Thanks for listening. Hope you are all well. And just so you know New Mexico is a great place to visit but I wouldn't recommend living here if you have a choice. 


  1. i would disagree... i grew up in New Mexico my whole life and loved it! yeah, it has its flaws, but i can find a lot in utah too! and every other state.

  2. Utah is definitely the place to be! So proud to be living here.
    I agree with you about that seat belt story. I'm really tired of society encouraging a lack of parental responsibility. And you wonder why kids these days are rude and think they are above any law - NO discipline. My husband experience some teenagers just jay walking across an intersection like they had all the live long day and my husband had to slam on his breaks. Needless to say my husband was very angry and got out and yelled at them and they acted like complete numskulls (however, they were afraid of him. ha ha) My kids will never get away with that kind of crap.
