May 17, 2011

Funny Thing Happened At the Doctor's Office

So I just have to say I have a very sweet little girl.

Yesterday we went to the doctor to make sure she didn't have an ear infection or anything else. While there Eric in his infinite wisdom decided why not have her 18 month check up and shot. The doctor was all for it. Well Mackenzie was not. She clung to me like the stethoscope was a torture device and when the nurse gave her the one shot she needed she glared at her daddy. If looks could kill. Well after a new toy and many hug and kisses and a sucker from the ob clinic secretary she was fine. Until today...

Now you have to understand our family doctor's office is on the same floor and in the same office as my Ob. So we had warned Mackenzie that we were going back to the doctor's but to see mommy's doctor not hers. She seemed OK with it until the nurse began taking my blood pressure and then all bets were off! What was she doing to her mommy! Well after that little drama they turned on a video for her and we waited to see our midwife. Then it was time for mommy to lay on the table so we could hear the baby's heart beat. Well Mackenzie was not going to have. She had to sit (stand) on her daddy's lap and make sure that the doctor did not hurt mommy. She did seem fascinated by the baby's heartbeat and the fact that the baby was kicking the heart monitor (siblings). However, she did not smile again until mommy was safely out of reach of the doctor.

I have to smile at how protective Mackenzie is. She has finally figure out that her little brother or sister is in mommy's tummy. I think this might be part of her need to protect mommy. She won't even let Eric put his arm on my tummy. Only Mackenzie can lay on the tummy and kiss it. She is going to be the best big sister ever! I am so grateful for her.

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