September 28, 2011

The Joy of Sisterhood

Today, my visiting teachers came by and it was great to have them. I felt a little weird. Mostly because I had just woken up. However, I was so happy to see them. They had some encourage words for me and my family as we enter the final leg of this pregnancy. It was great to have that. It was exactly what I need to hear.

We also took Mackenzie on a tour of St. Mark's hospital. She did really well. It was great to revisit where she was born and to get new information about how things can run with Hyrum's birth this time. Mackenzie is really excited. She is saying baby brother and pointing to my stomach more and more. I don't know who wants him here more, me or her.

We also got her big sister gift in the mail to day. And wouldn't you know it I am dying to give it to her. I really want to see it too. But as Eric said we all need to be patient. I am not sure who is the really two year old, Mackenzie or me. All I know is Eric is right and good things come to those who wait. For us it will be a new little member of our family and to see Mackenzie enjoying being an older sister.

I just hope we don't have to wait too much longer.

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