February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

So this is our first Valentine's Day with Mackenzie and it was wonderful. We went to a farewell for one of Eric's friends and then came home and spent time together. So here is our Valentine's Day gift for all of you, cute pictures of Mackenzie and her Dada. Just a side note, she is being to talk more and more.
Here is Mackenzie all ready to go out and see her Aunt Shannon. Isn't she cute.

Here Mackenzie has taken over her daddy's seat on the couch and has decided to have a snack of her giraffe.

She loves her food and bubbles along with her daddy. Here are all three together. 
So here are a few more pictures. She is such an amazing part of our lives. She keeps us moving and we are being trained in the way that is pleasing unto her. Most of all she also reminds us of what life is really about.

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful! I'm so glad you're lovin' the stuffin' out of her! :) I adore all that gorgeous hair!
