April 10, 2009


So I would like to clarify last night's post. I did not mean to demonize New Mexico. I know that there are many great and wonderful people here. I was just trying to point out that it is just not where we are suppose to be. To be honest it is easier for us to find reason to leave right now because there are many wonderful people we are leaving behind. The Lord just knows that if he does not push us, we do not like to make too big of changes once we get comfortable with something. So in the end I have to say for me, New Mexico is a great place to visit but I will leave judgement up to the rest of you. Sorry if I offended anyone. I was venting. 


  1. Don't be so worried about offending people with your opinion. It's YOUR blog! I know many people who love living in Arizona and I wouldn't live there if my life depended on it - to each their own.

  2. You didn't offend me, promise (sometimes typing doesn't give the tone you mean for it to be), I am just saying that no state is perfect. Trust me that I have lots to dislike about NM too. But I just had to give my opinion too that there is a lot of great things in NM, especially the food! I really am excited for ya though about yoru baby! I want to see prego pics!
