March 8, 2010

Daddy and Daughter Time

So, I know it has been almost a month since I last updated everyone.  What a crazy month it has been. Mostly because Eric and Mackenzie have had colds and I have been trying to take care of them along with the house and school. The nice thing is that Eric has a little more time now to spend with Mackenzie and what a pair they are. Even when I am holding her she will do everything possible to get her dada to look at her. Also they can make each others day. Here are a few photos from one of their many play sessions.
Here Eric is trying to help her stand. She has been trying to do this a lot lately.
Mackenzie decided to share her flower with her daddy. Doesn't he look cute.

This was suppose to be a shot where they were both smiling but Mackenzie was really wondering what in the world I was doing.
I hope all of you and yours are doing well. Have a wonderful March, it is the beginning of spring!